Small Wedding Packages in Roxbury MA

As a neighborhood in the Boston area, we’re glad to provide the residents of Roxbury with our small wedding packages. With nearly 60,000 residents living in this community, we’ve helped many couples over the years tie the knot with a special, intimate ceremony that was unique to them. Our small chapel, located in Quincy, is just a quick 10-mile drive from Roxbury. Couples can choose between having their ceremony at our location, or we’ll gladly come to you to provide our Justice of the Peace services. We offer a variety of different elopement and small wedding packages in Roxbury MA. Keep reading to learn more about our wedding services at Justice Lydon & Co! 

Our Wedding Services in Roxbury

We offer several different wedding packages to celebrate your special day with your closest family members and friends. Our small chapel, located in Quincy, is a beautiful, intimate setting to exchange your vows. If you’re looking for something a little more “out-of-the-ordinary,” our drive-through weddings are becoming a popular choice. We’ll marry you and your partner in any car of your choosing, and in less than 30 minutes, you’ll be off! It is a quick and fun way to tie the knot. We offer several wedding packages, including:

  • Chapel weddings
  • Drive-through weddings
  • Same-gender weddings
  • Elopements
  • One day marriage 
  • Waterfall weddings

No matter which package you choose, our team will work with you to coordinate your perfect wedding day. We have an on-site coordinator to ensure the day goes just as planned. 

Elopement Services in Roxbury 

More and more couples today are choosing to forgo a big wedding, and instead, elope! Not only will you be able to save a great deal of money, but you also skip the stress of planning, and you can truly enjoy the day with just the two of you! Elopements are an ideal option if you’re looking for a quick and simple ceremony. Our elopement packages include a full Justice of the Peace ceremony in a location of your choosing around Boston. If you choose our Date Night Elopements, it also includes a gift certificate to Abby Park Restaurant for a romantic dinner. 

Contact Justice Lydon & Co. to Start Planning Your Wedding

At Justice Lydon & Co, we love being able to be part of our clients special day and ensuring it’s a day filled with fond memories. If you’re interested in taking advantage of our small wedding packages and elopement services in Roxbury and around Boston, get in touch with us today! FIll out an online contact form or give us a call at (617) 472-7423to start planning your dream wedding!